Welcome to Borneo Surgery!

Borneo Surgery is affiliated with Jesselton Medical Centre, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Together, we provide the highest quality and comprehensive patient care for a broad spectrum of surgical conditions, both common and rare, by using latest minimally invasive technology!

Our Consultant Surgeon have been trained in both traditional and minimally invasive surgery, including Minilaparoscopy that uses 3mm diameter instruments and high definition videoscope, to perform surgery which only leaves small pinhole wound on patient.

With these technology advances, not only we are able to perform more advances surgery with less pain and scarring, smaller wound and lesser tissue damage will also benefit our patients with lesser wound infection, faster recovery and earlier return to daily living activities!

Additionally, our Consultant Surgeon also specializes in gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy. By using our state of the art technology and technique, we are able to perform basic and complex advanced endoscopic procedures (i.e. to stop GI bleeding, to relieve GI tumour blockade, to insert gastric tube [PEG]) in a safe and effective manner.

Due to dramatically increased patient knowledge from widely available resources, patients nowadays are demanding for the most cutting edge care. The least invasive techniques with minimal scar and downtime, with the same or better result than conventional surgery is the best suited option. They deserve that.

The standard of care had been set at a new level now. We will continuously deliver this higher level of care and vowed to exceed it. We will care for the patient as a whole person with our unmatched expertise, passion, professionalism, communication and teamwork. We look forward to care for you!